Jump into Kindergarten
When choosing a school, the kindergarten program has the greatest impact with parents. It’s the first time most children are away from their families. This happens at a very impressionable age. For that reason the choice is an important one.
In addition to choosing a school with qualified, Christian teachers and a caring and safe environment, it’s equally important that children receive a strong academic foundation.
Language Arts
The kindergarten program is set up recognizing children have a range of abilities. The difference between a child born in January versus December can be significant. The teacher works with resources that allows for a difference in reading and math readiness. The Literacy Place for the Early Years is a Language Arts program that is designed to address a range of abilities. Experiencing success with reading readiness skills and early reading is key to developing a love for reading in each child. The leveled reading allows each child to work at their ability level ensuring their growth is monitored as new levels are mastered. The reading is further supported by extending the reading to the home with the ‘Book in a Bag’ program.
Music is used as an effective means to teach and reinforce ideas. Musicplay for Kindergarten is a resource that assists the teacher in developing musical abilities in the students. Each year the kindergarten students have a notable role in the whole school Christmas program.
In addition to different learning abilities, students also have different learning styles. This can be particularly relevant in learning math concepts. With a resource like Math Makes Sense, the teacher has the necessary tools to plan for individual differences and learning styles and engage students through hands-on activities. The intent is to build on what they already know.
Starting in Junior kindergarten, students begin to learn basic French phrases, conversation and identifying objects from daily living. Students readily absorb new vocabulary and begin to recognize Canada as a bi-lingual country.
Science / Social Studies
As students develop a wonder for the world God has created, they begin to build on a worldview that will grow as they learn and mature. Basic science concepts are taught through experience learning. The concepts relate to the way they experience the world around them.
Christian Basis to All Lessons Taught
Each parent can anticipate the blessings that come when the school compliments the upbringing and values parents cherish with their children. The Christian values are clearly taught and form the basis for a program that teaches love of God, love of fellow students and love of self.